Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nervous Runner

Correction, nervous walker!!
It's almost time for the Tinker Bell Half Marathon.... and I am nervous! My training was so/so for a person who hates running LOL I got my breathing down and had a pretty good technique. My endurance was.... average? I definitely knew I couldn't run the whole thing. But at the beginning of January, I was confident going in to it.
Then I sprained my ankle.
Unfortunately this is my 3rd sprain on the same ankle. I thought that would make it easier to recover from... turns out, it made it harder. I actually have ordered physical therapy from my doctor! Sigh.
My confidence level is now pretty low. Even though I've been given great advise to stay away from the half marathon, I can't just let it go. SO I will be walking it. Hopefully. I'll walk as far as I think is safe. If and when it gets a little rocky, I'll stop I promise (that sentence was especially for my sister who just had ankle surgery after ignoring her sprain).
I hear from runners, ankle sprains are fine- you can still run. I've just finally been able to walk on mine, so we'll see if I can get enough strengthening in this week to try and walk for... oh... 13 miles next week.
I'm running, excuse me, walking this half marathon for Autism Awareness. My little brother CJ is autistic, so I'm walking for him! See, I just have to get across that finish line! Besides, Tinker Bell is my Mom's favorite Disney character and I promised her I'd get that medal =)
All you need is faith and trust, right? That's what Peter Pan says!
When January 29th comes around, you can pray and track me here: http://www.xacte.com/templates/disney/tinkerbell/
Thank you to everyone for your encourage and support!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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